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Winchester Youth Football Program


Winchester Youth Football Program

Background Checks for Youth Coaches


It's the policy of the WYFP to complete a background check on every volunteer coach participating in our youth football program.  

All coaches must submit a WYFP application which includes background screening and a signed copy of the code of ethics.  

Any information that is returned on a coach through the Background Screening process is subject for review by the Board of Directors. 

Youth Sports Coaches Application 

Last Name _______________________ First Name _________________________ 

Address ________________________ City _______________ Zip_____________ Phone _______________ 


CIRCLE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING Head Coach or Assistant Coach 

Are you a parent of a participant? Yes or No 

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes or No 

Do you have any pending court cases? Yes or No 

Code of Ethics 

The coach must be aware that he or she can be either a positive or a negative influence upon the development of the athlete. In all of his or her personal contacts with athletes, officials and parents, coaches shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct. In keeping with that goal, the following ethical guidelines should be observed by all adults coaching in the Winchester Youth Football Program.

The coach shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest desirable ideals of character. 

The coach must always consider the personal safety of the athlete. 

The coach shall be thoroughly acquainted with the rules and regulations of competition, and shall be responsible for their interpretation to team members. The coach shall not try to seek an advantage by circumventing the spirit or letter of the rules. 

Game officials shall have the respect and support of the coach. The coach shall not indulge in conduct which will incite the players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of the officials or players is unethical. 

The coach should respect his opponents, display gracious behavior during competition and require his or her players to conduct themselves in similar fashion. Before and after the contest, opposing coaches should meet and exchange friendly greetings to set the correct tone for the event. 

Coaches shall actively use their influence to enhance sportsmanship by spectators. 

The coach shall take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse, and shall, under no circumstances authorize their use. 

I understand that, as a coach for the Winchester Youth Football Program I must go through a background check on a yearly basis. I have also read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by them. Failure to abide by the Code of Ethics may be cause for dismissal of coaching.  I understand that the Winchester Youth Football League also reserves the right to dismiss a coach at any time for any reason. 

Date:____________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________

National Background Screening Consent Form

Applicant’s Legal Name (printed) _______________________________________ 

Social Security Number ____________________ Date of Birth ______________ 

Applicant’s Address _______________________________________________ 

City ____________________________ State _________ Zip ____________ 

I, ____________________________, authorize and give consent for the above named organization to obtain information regarding myself. This includes the following:  

  • Local & National Criminal background records/information  

  • All 50 State Sex Offender Registries 

  • Full Address Trace  

  • Social Security Verification 

I the undersigned, authorize this information to be obtained either in writing or via telephone in connection with my application. Any person, firm or organization providing information or records in accordance with this authorization is released from any and all claims of liability for compliance. Such information will be held in confidence in accordance with the organization’s guidelines. 

By signing this document, I am providing the above named Organization my consent for an initial background check as well as any subsequent background checks deemed necessary throughout the length of my assignment with this Organization. Print Name: 

Date:_______________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________


Winchester Youth Football Program

700 N Union Street 
Winchester, Indiana 47394

Email: [email protected]

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